Monday, May 11, 2009

Final farewell from Wenham, MA

Well, this will be my last entry from the east coast. It's been a full year, and's high time for a break. Goodbye bipolar weather...HELLO CALIFORNIA!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Home Stretch!

It still seems weird to think that I will be home in 4 DAYS! I can't believe it. I am so excited to get into summer, and what better way to start it off than a trip to Hawai'i? I can work on my tan before I hop into the black swimsuit for work. This semester seems very long, but looking back it went by pretty quickly. I got to do so many fun things this year. I got a new job which I enjoy and will be waiting for me in the fall, and I got to be involved in Gordon Theatre which was a wonderful experience for me. I forgot how much I missed being on the stage. I also declared a history minor, which I am really looking forward to, since I love to incorporate true events into my novels. I am taking a seminar next year called "Christian Resistance during Nazi reign," which sounds so interesting. I can't wait to start.

Next year will see many changes though. Our coach, Elissa, is leaving because her husband got a job as head coach of the Wheaton men's basketball team. So if anyone is looking to coach college volleyball, check out Gordon. I feel like I'm cursed. I haven't had one coach who stayed with me more than a year since freshman year in high school. Oh well, maybe we can get one to stick around for the two years I have left. Also, I'm really hoping to study abroad in the spring in my home away from home, St. Andrews. Pray that Gordon will be in the right position to accept a good amount of non-approved programs so that I can have another wonderful educational experience in Scotland! I would love to study Scottish History, and fulfill some of my minor requirements. I will also be living in an apartment with my current roommates and two girls on my volleyball team, which I am really looking forward to. It will be one heck of a party!

Who knows? Next year is going to be full of new things, but for now I am excited to be getting ready for summer and have a few months to relax and enjoy the wonderful California weather. One more final and then I'm home free! Cross your fingers, and let the countdown begin!

P.S. My recent obsession has been Le Roi Soleil (The Sun King) which is a French musical comedy about the life of Louis XIV. Of course, the entire thing is in French, so I couldn't understand a word, but the music, stage and costumes is absolutely fantastic! And leave it to the French to get their own history right. I learned some things about Louis XIV and rumors about events in his life that I had never heard before. I was absolutely fascinated! So if I talk about it a lot, I'm sorry. But you will still have to sit through listening to the music. It will win you over without even seeing the show! Plus: The guy who plays Louis is absolutely gorgeous, and his voice will make you melt!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Well, I can say that if I found a moment breath in these past few days, it was one of very few. This whole week as been pretty insane. After spending the weekend with my friend Sasha for Easter break, I headed back to school early for work and the first of many long run through rehearsals. Joyful Noise is coming along very well. It seems so crazy that we open tomorrow night! It has gone so fast! We have added everything from elaborate lacy costumes to lemon snapple iced teas for my tea scenes. As each rehearsal goes by, things just continue to come together and look better than the night before. We have a preview tonight so that we can rehearse with an audience (just to get ourselves in the zone). Mrs. Pendarves continues to get more eccentric by the night, played by yours truly. It can only get better.
Every time we're in the dressing room getting hair, make-up, and costumes on, our lovely production staff keeps saying they wished they lived in the time of corsets and lace. But of course, Hannah, Kelsie and I are thinking "you wouldn't be saying that if you had to wear a corset for the past two months (or in my case, two corsets). But I think it is going to be a great run. The story is so fascinating, and has an excellent message to it. We've even been asked to perform a specific scene in chapel the Monday after we close! Well, who knows...I have had some great experiences and made a great group of friends these past several weeks. I forgot how much I missed being a part of theatre. Who know? Maybe I'll try out for another one sometime...I appear to have broken the norm for Gordon College. No varsity athlete has ever done theatre before, but I'm starting a trend, and after seeing the show, Coach was ready to set me up on a date with one of his basketball players! Weird...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ah, accepted students day

Well, even though I never experienced this day myself as a high school senior, I have found myself quite involved, almost more than I would want to. There are over 400 accepted students here today. Look out! It's been a pretty crazy weekend, and the work is piling up slightly, but it will start to slow down in a few days. Easter break this weekend; I can't wait! I'm going home with a friend of mine on the volleyball team, so that will be fun. The show is really picking up. My dress has changed twice already, but from what Ashley tells me, the one coming in from Minnesota is beautiful! I can't wait to see it. I know it's been a long time since i last wrote, but I will catch you up on more when I have a bigger chunk of time. Talk to you soon!

P.S. Mom and Dad, I will see you in a few weeks!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Oh, my, I could get used to this. Only two days of school this week? Friday was a cruel trick played by the Northeast weather. It was so warm and sunny. It got all the way up to 58 (that's warm out here, my California friends) and I was walking around in shorts. I loved it! And then what does it do? It decides to snow all day on Sunday. I could not wait to get home. But I must say the Lord works in mysterious ways. We got a snow day on Monday! I absolutely loved it. Except for the fact that I felt like somewhat of a nerd. My only class that day was going to be a review session for my exam on Wednesday, and I was actually disappointed that it got canceled. But other than that, I loved it! I did my swim workout with Meredith again, and while we were walking to lunch, my hair froze once again (as the picture on my phone can attest to)! Everything was canceled, from classes to rehearsal (except of course for work, which I don't mind, since it's slow and I get paid to do it, but there has to be a better way to let people know that we're open instead of a million phone calls in one shift!) But anyway, I'm gearing up for a busy last few days before...SPRING BREAK! The warm sunny weather is calling me from afar. I get to start off my Thursday by waking up at 5 am to open Bennett, work for six hours, do some final packing, and then get on a plane and fly home! I can't wait to see you all very soon! Wow, it sure has snuck up on me...See you all Thursday night!

P.S. I'd like to let you all know that I saw yet another surfer this morning, right after a huge snow fall. You'd think people would go snowboarding or something after a storm...oh no, surfing is the thing to do after a huge Nor'easter. Go figure. I wanted to take another picture to put up, but I'm afraid I might be getting a little too staukerish. But it was too funny. He has on a full winter wetsuit, snow boots, and a logger's hat. I had to hold it in as I walked by.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I would just like you all to know that in exactly one week, I'M COMING HOME!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Yes, Gordon is a swamp. It also happens to be the birthplace of what I like to call the Gordon Death (you know, like the Black Death?...) Something is going around Gordon, and I have never heard more people cough around me during convocation (and it actually was a good one!). It was like everyone was having a coughing war to see who could be the loudest. I am just glad that I have had the Gordon Death and can be immune officially. Lindi has been sick all week, and I was going to host a volleyball recruit, but I don't think she wants to go home diseased...

It has been biting cold again! It started to rain last night, then turned into snow, add a little wind...and it's FREEZING! I've just gotten used to the heat wave we had last week, and now it's back to the cold. It's like it is taunting me! AHHHH! Ha ha, well, as I am writing this, I am sitting in Gillies because I don't want to brave the cold quite yet to go back to my room. Call me a pansy, but you come back here and brave it out. Good luck.

I had my first rehearsal last night at Jeff's house. He and his wife made dinner for us, and we read through the entire show. I am so excited to be starting, and I really think that I have the most fun character in the show. I can't wait! We talked about costumes, and we are holding nothing back! The costume designer is really getting into our gowns, and is making each of them unique to our characters and our perspectives in the play. She is literally sewing in lines from the script that encompasses the thoughts and feelings of our character. Subtly of course, but when you look up close, you can see the actual words. We will be wearing rehearsal skirts to practice lifting and sitting in them, and the guys get the fun job of wearing harnesses during rehearsal to practice standing up straight! I'm already having fun, and we have only just begun. Everyone in the cast and crew is very nice and welcoming, and I am so thrilled to be back in a show again. And a professional one at that! No more thousands of extras, lame costumes, and ridiculous scenes. Jeff also gave us a bit of the back history as we went through the show, and it is so interesting! I hope it is put in the program somewhere so that you can read it! The story is absolutely fascinating! The picture above is one of the only original portraits of Susannah Maria Cibber still in existence. I would have put up a picture of Mary Pendarves, my character, but the only picture they had of me was an old lady, and I am definetely not that in the show! (in face, the script, describes Mary as beautiful, well dressed, and kind) Thank you, thank you very much.

Can't wait to talk to you soon, and see you sooner!